After leaving the clinic my mom, Jim and I headed about an hour north to Payson, AZ to escape the desert heat and grab some lunch. It was a nice drive and much cooler up in the mountains although the lunch wasn't anything spectacular.
These are some of the pictures that I took both on our way up to Payson and then on our way back to the valley.
I will be meeting with Dr. Reeder tomorrow for the first time since I began treatment and am anxious to hear what he has to say about my first round and the results of the chest x-rays that I am having in the morning. Following the meeting I will be starting the second round of chemotherapy, I will try and update my blog as much as possible this week but it will all depend on how I handle the treatment. But you better believe that I will continue to fight this thing with all of my strength! I also want to thank everyone for the comments on my blog wishing me good luck and sending prayers out to me. I may not respond to them all, but I do read them and truly appreciate them very much!!! One more week and I will be a step closer to recovery and Hawaii...
Gosh we can't thank you enough for keeping us up to date. We can't wait for you to come home - dude you are missing the tradewinds, the not so hot weather and the great plate lunches. Just the other day we had pho and another day we had garlic chicken on your behalf... Gotta say it was excellent and we tried not to eat rice nottttttttt - omg and guess who baked? nope it was not tina - it was alicia - blueberry cheesecake and well we kinda just threw ww up in the air and said we wll wait till you come home to motivate us! Shucks I shoulda took an i phone pic. When you get back we will treat you to a triple order of garlic chicken from Hanazen.
Dude we love you and don't forget we are right there with you!
Your MD gang and your MD maddah
shmeeeks!!!!! what up braddah, we're still prayin for your healthy recovery and return to Hawaii Nei out here in Waipahu! Keep the fight strong, keep being the inspiration for us all!! Love you bro
I hope you have the strength to draft on there's no excuses!!!! ;) Nah, we'll draft you a tough team....but not too tough! shoooooots!
Good luck with the next round of treatment. I sent you a postcard of Sandy's yesterday so you can look at it and daydream about getting home to body surf.
Wassup Alika!
I just heard about this blog from lei today.
You are in my prayers, and im having my mom and the church members at Word of Life Yokohama pray like mad!
I hope to go visit home again if not this year maybe early next year, so we shall cruise again @ Ghettos(sorry im still in '97 mode). Is that park still there?
Anyway, keep your head up homey.
Much love from Tokyo,
Mahalo for the update ... much needed "kimo-terrapy" for those of us stuck in the tundra. made my day checking in on your blog.Good vibrations coming your way from this old hippie.
Geoff (MNhaole) Bush
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