Saturday, September 6, 2008

Pain, Pepper and Paintings

Had my ash-split catheter implanted on Tuesday. The procedure was pretty quick although I had to ask them for more pain killers part way through because I could feel everything that was going on. Thanks to Sally I was able to get the VIP service for my procedure, thank you again! The ash-split has been a little hard to get used to since there are now two tubes coming out of my chest, but I am starting to forget that it is there...
I have been feeling much better this week and am finally eating three meals a day, first time in a long time! Hopefully I can gain a little weight back before I get admitted into the hospital and am forced to eat the food there...
Been going to the hospital everyday to have blood drawn and get my shots to boost my white blood cell counts. What they are looking for is my white blood cells to hit a low plateau and then begin to come back up. Once this happens they will be able to harvest my bone marrow for the transplant. They were hoping that my numbers would be heading back up by today but unfortunately they are still on the decline so it will be a few more days before anything else can be done.

Jim thought that I should put a close up of what the ash-split looks like. Pretty crazy stuff but it is only temporary and if it is needed to get me better than I will suck it up and live with it.... Sorry if this grosses anyone out!

Made it to the Pepper and Slightly Stoopid concert yesterday! Was very happy to be able to get out of the house and see some bands that I really like here in Mesa. I went with Joanna and her friend Angelica, unfortunately Brooke had to work! We got there without tickets only to find out that it was sold out but after asking for extra tickets outside we finally were able to bribe a security guard to let us in the back gate. Actually we lucked out because he charged us less than the ticket value!!! Below are some more pics from the concert:

 Joanna, Angelica and I

 Slightly Stoopid "live and direct"

Finally, but certainly not least I received this painting in the mail the other day from my cousin Dallas' eight year old daughter Regan. She painted it for me to help brighten my day and it did just that. Thank you very much Regan, I love it very much and have it up in my room here in AZ. I will be sure to take it back to Hawaii and put it up at home when I get there!!! 


Anonymous said...

Excellent dude - really you should do writing as a side job cuz you are so great at it and mmmm yeah what is in the coke cup? How great you got out of the house to see other than white walls and it is good to know everyone is taking very good care of you. Personally i love all the detail you give to us so we can understand the "BIG TALL PICTURE" hahahaha... You have a fabulous week and we will keep you posted. WE LOVE YOU! mahdah

Anonymous said...

yo strippa man, strippa man..what a tease. Where do I send the dolla-dolla bills ya'll? How's you with the little sneaky peeky peek. :)

Seriously though, you look awesome Alika & it's refreshing to see that you still don't miss a beat when ya got a chance. Glad you're feelin better enough to enjoy what Mesa has to offer. John quoted this phrase from that movie called The Pacifier that had Vin Disel in it...lame movie...but kid friendly. Anyway, it has that guy from Ray Romano, his older brother Robert. Anyway, he's this like livin in the past wrestling coach...& whatever. Point is, hilarious comment that I totally thought of for thought cause it's so fitting with you're analagies & symbolism throughout your blogs.

" mess with the bull, you're gonna get the horns..."

give um hell...I mean horns!


Anonymous said...

I read your blog several times a week. You're going to do great with the harvest and chemo after. It is hard but you're going to make it through just fine. You don't have to worry, bone marrow transplant has become a very refined art. Have you thought about contacting a support group? You may know of the resources already available to you through the leuk/lymph society.


Agnes said...

hey handsome! im so glad you you're feeling better these're feeling well enough to eat and to even go out -- that's GREAT news! you're looking great and i just wanted to say hello and wish you a happy week. :)

love you.

Anonymous said...

We love you, Alika!

The NC Harsa Family

Anonymous said...

Aloha Alika, I'm a fellow/sister cancer warrior. I'm combating Glio Blastoma (Brain Cancer), and life's looking good these days! I'm close-by - at Cedars Sinai (in clinical trials here - for 2.5 months now) in LA - so with our short distance apart, please feel my energy, support and thoughts coming your way.
- so, please know you have another member of your team. It's never easy, and many times hell - but apparently we warriors must be up to it - we're here, doing it, and still fighting!
Cindy Morrison/Honolulu Warrior