So recovery since I got out of the hospital has been much harder than I thought that it would be. Despite my counts going up everyday, I am still very weak and feel lightheaded a lot of the time and I am finally starting to realize that recovering from a possibly fatal dose of chemotherapy is going to be much harder than all of the other treatments. It is a very frustrating since it only took a few days to recover from each ABVD treatment and about a week from the ESHAP but I have a feeling that this one is going to take a few months. I started to workout today and was able to ride for 10 minutes on the stationary bike and lifted 5lb weights. I know it doesn't seem like much but it is truly the best that I can do right now. My goal is to increase the time by 1-2 minutes each day and increase the amount of reps as well but it is easier said than done.

I am also missing Hawaii a lot and knowing that I cannot go home for another month or two has been making me feel depressed. It is just something that I have to work through and know that home will always be there and my getting better is the most important thing right now. But it is hard when I am stuck in a house in AZ all day long and almost everything that I know and love is going on without me in HI.
Hey Alika,
Hang in there. It is always easier said then done, but look at how much you've accomplished so far. God will never put you through something that you could not handle and you've sure shown that thus far. Continue being the strong person that you are, we're proud of you. Just remember this...
"The best way out is always through."
"The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible."
Everyone at MD is cheering for you!! God bless!
-Camille L.
Aloha Alika!
Patients ~ patience! Try to enjoy your recovery time. Think of it as weeks at a spa. Hawaii is still as beautiful as you remember ...and it will be here waiting for you! Think positively and smile a lot! Everyone is cheering for your recovery. RAH RAH A-LI-KA! (repeat three times while twirling around)! XXKT
What???you don't like lounging like a lizard? Hey, you gotta figure that being in a hospital bed for like 6 plus weeks will definitely make your muscles & endurance go on vaca. for a while. Of course you'll be weak..but now add the fact that you already climbed a massive mountain w/treatments. Besides, it's been super overcast & ugly here anyway...well, maybe not, but hope it makes you feel better! :)
Alika -- life in Hawaii is not going on WITHOUT you...it's going on FOR you! If it all stopped, what would you come back to? No more Kochi's, no more waves?! I know you miss home...and all of us here miss you...but like your medallion says...your recovery comes first. No sense you come back and not be able to enjoy it right? You'll be back and better than ever before you know it and then maybe you might wish you had a couple days alone...with nothing to do! Cheer up...I know it's easier than done...but look on the bright side...you don't have to deal with open enrollment this year. Hehehehe!!! I love you!
OMG Aggie did not just say that lol - for some of us are practicing our typing skills and KEYING in during open enrollment. When you come home to us, we are having a BIG BIG BIG party to celebrate us barely surviving cuz you are not here with us and scottyee not pulling his hair out. Gotta tell you SHORT people love flipping the D@^* water bottle on the cooler when you have to REAAAAAAACH for the bottle on the top of the holders. Lucky you didn't see the floater (for a minute i thought it was bait for a fishing pole lol) and try to decide if you want to continue to drink the water or mmmmm say "how do i get the darn thing out without spilling the rest of the water in the bottle". DUDE now we both know you have come way way waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy to far to even think of giving up, beside i told you i will kick your ARSE if you do. We are waiting for you! We have not even ate your stale gumballs in your red wagon (remember that one). Thank you for the answer in Sue's email and the update - WE LOVE YOU DR HOUSE! Hey did you ever watch Fringe yet, that is right after dr house and the girl is cute HAHAHA...
This time next year you will definitely be back on the beach. This time next week..... probably not. But you will get there. And when you do, make sure you're place is big enough for us to visit and don't forget to babyproof the cupboards and electrical outlets for your number one nephew.
We love you and will lift weights with you anytime. I could definitely use some definition on my chicken arms!!
I would have to agree that the post-treatment therapy is MUCH more difficult because it's like taking baby steps. Big efforts exercising with small results in return. BUT JUST THINK, it's like starting all over again. You can now train your muscles from square one. Focus all that pent up energy into defining your muscles down to the last muscle fiber, properly. It's a fresh clean slate which can lead you above and beyond where you were at before. Lay down a strong foundation to build upon that heart of gold which lies at the core of alika.
We love you and are thinking about you everyday. Call ya laters..
Hey Alika,
Geev 'um. Nobody knows how it goes but you, even with your excellent reporting. But you have dug deep so many times, impressed so many of us, and your essential strength and courage have contributed so much to your survival and recovery. You've entered the territory of heroes, and I sure admire you for that. Aloha,
Walter Wright
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