I have also been having some difficulty with my breathing even prior to my recent transplant which has been getting worse. Because of this I was sent to do another pulmonary test and CT scan of my lungs. The CT showed no sign of infection, however the pulmonary test did show that my lung function had decreased even more since the recent transplant. I am now taking a two week dose of prednisone oral steroids to help my lungs expand and function a little bit better. I have also been working out on the stationary bike everyday for a half hour to try and expand my lungs and get some cardio back. And this Wednesday I will be meeting with the pulmonary doctors to determine if I need to be put on a steroid inhaler for a short time as well.
I haven't been taking as many photos with my Canon T2i as I had been when I first got my camera, I am still pretty limited as to where I can go so my subject matter is limited as well. In the meantime I am saving up to get an underwater housing from SPL as surf photography is what I am truly passionate about. I emailed the owner Sean and he priced me one at $1650.00 which is a fair deal for the best surf photography housing on the market. I also need to get a Tokina 10-17mm lens to use with the housing which is an additional $550.00 or so online. So, if anyone in Hawaii has some extra work that needs to be done I will hopefully be home in mid to late January and am willing to do any side jobs that I can on the weekends to get this housing. With my lungs and stamina being low I may not be able to yard or housework but if you have anything that isn't too physically strenuous please do not hesitate to let me know!!!
Well I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! I know that I have a lot to be thankful for especially for the donor that was kind enough to give someone that they don't even know another shot at life. I hope that I get to thank you personally one day!
Hiya my friend...
Happy Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Did you eat alot? We ate dessert first lol.
We really miss you altho we can't wait till you return.
Alicia is on vacay this week. Nora has been so great helping us in the front. Our bldg has been bought out so we are cleaning up for the inspection. They bought our bldg, as well as the hotel and Ross (which I didn't know they owned).
Many MD employees still support the korean market. Also FYI they are bldg a Panda down the block and another korean restaurant where the futon bed place is so when you return, you will have lots of places to choose from.
Really appreciate you A L O T - Alika - there is never a day that goes by where we do not think of you. Been savings all the sports mags for you. Still have to send mom your photo book. You didn't get to see the last ones from lunch.
Take care my friend and know you are LOVED. Say hi to everyone and remember let me know the day you are returning and we are taking care of it.
HUGS - Mom #2
Good - your body is attacking, small kind! We love the picure of Baylor at Safeco feild, it really tripped me out for a minute. Aaron has it as our screen saver!
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