I just returned from my meeting with Dr. Shild who is going to be my radiation oncologist. Because of the recurrence of the mass in the past and the size that is was they are going to go ahead and give me some radiation. How much is going to be determined by a PET scan that I will have sometime in the next few weeks. If the scan comes back "cold" meaning that the cancer is no longer present I will have a lower dose of radiation that will be for about 2 weeks. If it comes back "hot" meaning that the cancer is still present I will have a much higher dose that will be for about 4 weeks. Once the results come back it will be up to my platelet counts as to when they will start. If they are high enough they are going to be starting as soon as possible, if they are still low it could be another 30 days before they even get started. If this is the case I could be here in AZ until February.
I wanted to let everyone know that just because I am missing home a lot as mentioned in my previous blog, in no way does this mean that I am going to give up! I am just ready to get this thing over with and get my life back on track!